feature stories
Phishing Attacks Hit Historic Highs.
Phishing attacks have been part of the cybercriminal arsenal for years. But it’s only recently that phishing has flourished into the scourge it is today. That’s because cybercriminals have found success by targeting COVID-19 fears with their schemes.
The Rise of Ransomware.
Ransomware attacks dominate news coverage of the cybersecurity industry. And it’s no wonder – with million-dollar payouts, infrastructure attacks and international manhunts, ransomware makes for exciting headlines.
Stopping social engineering.
Social engineering tactics are based on a simple truth: it’s easier to hack a human than it is to hack a computer. That means social engineering attackers use deception and tricks to get their victims to willingly give up private information like logins, passwords and even bank info.
Amplifying the voices of Black educators.
Through her doctoral research, Myisha Rodrigues brings the experiences of Black educators to the forefront.
Bringing Cultures Together.
Mary Struzska-Tyamayev’s ’14 passion for cross-cultural understanding drives her work as an advisor for international students and students studying abroad.
Empowering Middle-Schoolers.
As a school counselor in Dorchester, Massachusetts, counseling & psychology alum Leona Watson ’14 empowers middle schoolers to advocate for themselves.
Telling Immigrant Stories.
As a photographer, professor Vivian Poey grapples with the lasting effects of immigration. As an educator, she empowers aspiring teachers to give young people a voice.